After using my Chinese mini lathe for a year or so I decided it was time for an upgrade. Most projects involve the lathe and taking tiny cuts on larger stock quickly becomes tedious. I would say that they are great to learn on though, handling smaller projects well (even in mild steel). Anything over 50mm in diameter starts to become a pain. I spent weeks (possibly months) scouring the internet for information on the best lathe for a hobbyist, it was a tossup between the Boxford, a Myford or a Colchester Bantam. The Myfords and Colchesters tend to demand a high price, whereas the Boxfords seem to be cheaper, even for a good example. Although the accessories demand a premium - especially the traveling and steady rests. Shortly after pickup Keeping my eye on eBay and for some time, I eventually came across a Boxford MKIII BUD. Originally looking for a lathe with a thread cutting gearbox, such as the Boxford AUD, the lathe seemed too good to miss. Changing the gears manually ...