DIY Large Angle Grinder Guard for Wire Wheel

I had some of the knot wheels for my angle grinder but both of the guards were too small. Didn't fancy using them without a guard, so it was time to make one. Using the original guard as a template I marked out the general shape of the top part on some 1mm sheet metal, then used the knot wheel as a guide to see how large the guard needed to be. Next a strip wide enough to cover the wheel was cut and roughly bent in to a curve. This was then tacked on to the top part and bent in to shape as needed.

Guard part TIG welded up

Then a clamping ring was created in the lathe to match the angle grinder and the guard. Holes were drilled and tapped for grub screws to keep it in place once installed.

With the clamp ring welded on

The clamping ring was also TIG welded on to the guard, which was quite tricky due to the difference in metal thickness. Concentrating most of the heat on the larger part allowed me to weld it without blowing through the thin metal.

Ready for painting.



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